Someday it'll be beautiful, someday it'll be healthy :-)
It's hard to look in a mirror when we don't accept our own smiles. We'll look after not only your health but also your beautiful appearance!
What does cosmetic dentistry do?
Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dentistry that deals with the general improvement of the appearance of teeth. A dentist specialising in cosmetic dentistry will help assess present aesthetic defects and recommend the best available solutions. If one wants to describe this field of dentistry in one sentence, it should be emphasised that cosmetic dentistry aims to restore a beautiful smile. Therefore, such procedures are dedicated primarily to all people who have trouble accepting the appearance of their teeth. It may be, in their opinion, an ugly shape or tooth discolouration. The most frequently performed procedures within the field of cosmetic dentistry are:
- Teeth whitening with a lamp - this procedure lasts about 30-60 minutes and consists of applying a special preparation and exposing teeth to a lamp. This light activates the paste's components and guarantees an immediate whitening effect, which can last up to even 3 years, provided that proper hygiene is maintained.
- Overlay whitening - it is a 2 to 4-week process that can be carried out at home. A dentist makes an impression of the patient's occlusion, based on which overlays are prepared. Special whitening gel is applied to those overlays. The dentist chooses the gel parameters based on the needs and the sensitivity of the patient's gums. Prior to choosing overlay whitening, one has to bear in mind that the treatment of all cavities is necessary beforehand.
- Whitening of dead teeth - such teeth are deprived of nutrients, which usually leads to a distinct colour change and gradual darkening. Whitening of single teeth is possible in such cases.
- Veneers - these are thin, ceramic or composite facings that are subsequently fitted on teeth. They're used when the shape, breaks or permanent discolourations flaw the appearance of the tooth. This is one of the easiest ways to alter the shape and colour.
- Sandblasting - it is a process of cleaning the teeth by special dental sand ejected under high pressure. Plaque and superficial discolourations are removed in this way. After the procedure, the teeth are polished. Therefore, they become smoother and less susceptible to secondary accumulation of various substances. This procedure should be repeated every 6 months.
Digital Smile Design!
To put it simply, DSD enables one to know the results of the treatment before proceeding to it. This method was created by Christian Coachman, a dentist from Brazil. He noticed that even the most qualified team might encounter problems with precise communication of guidelines regarding the treatment plan. Due to his method, the risk of such situations has been reduced to a minimum.
Usually, patients are curious about how their smile will look like already during their first visit. Until recently, it could only be described by words. Patients had to eagerly wait for the treatment to be completed. Fortunately, today one can see the effects of the dentist's work before it's even started. It's a true revolution, allowing one to approach designing a smile as an architect approaches building a house.
Before proceeding to the treatment, the patient is thoroughly photographed and filmed. One's mouth, teeth, gums and lips are analysed, as well as the way the patient smiles and shows various emotions. It allows, in a way, to design how other people will perceive us.
Many specialists, such as an orthodontist, a surgeon or a prosthodontist, may work at your smile. Due to the treatment plan, which is a manual for them, each specialist knows the scope of their work ahead and the effects to be achieved.
At each stage of discussing the treatment plan with a patient, we advise what we believe is worth changing or improving and what does not require any improvements. We always strive to strike a happy medium between one's expectations and scientific knowledge. Designing a smile brings a lot of joy to patients and is satisfactory for both sides.
Thanks to DSD, the patient does not need to understand and imagine complicated techniques and treatment methods. It is enough to take a look at the project, which reflects the final result. The client may receive the treatment plan in a digital version to discuss it with his relatives to make sure that the new smile will suit him!
How does the smile designing process with the use of the DSD method look like?
1. The first consultation will take around 60 minutes.
2. At the studio, we will take a series of photos and films of the patient's face, teeth and smile.
3. We will carry a thorough interview with the aim to get to know the patient and his expectations towards a beautiful smile.
4. We will analyse the relation between the teeth, mouth, smile, facial features and facial expression. It will result in the preparation of a treatment plan.
5. At a prosthetic laboratory, we will prepare a model of your smile, which you will later try on, just like a dress or a suit.
What does conservative dentistry do?
Conservative dentistry, also known as general dentistry, is the most basic and standard part of services offered at each dental practice. One may say that its aim is the prevention and treatment of caries. To maintain healthy teeth, one needs to take care of hygiene and regular check-ups - always as the need arises or at least once every 6 months. Due to this, if a cavity appears, there's time for a quick reaction before it leads to the need for root canal treatment.
First and foremost - caries treatment!
The sooner a cavity is detected, the greater the chance that the procedure will be merely a formality. Therefore, both hygiene and proper diagnosis are of high importance. We attach great importance to the diagnostics of our patients, who come to our practice for the first time. We point out all abnormalities that are already present and those that can occur in the immediate future. One should know that, in the early stages, caries is visible on a tooth in the form of small spots. The application of a special preparation suffices to cease the development of caries. Bear in mind that prevention is better than cure!
Preventative dental procedures
Due to preventative procedures, we improve our chances to avoid serious ones in the future. They allow to prevent carious lesions, periodontitis, periodontal diseases and other diseases within the mouth, which can affect both teeth and gums. Preventative measures should be taken from a very young age. Therefore, instilling correct hygienic habits in children is of high importance. Adults, too, should bear in mind that brushing, flossing and using mouthwash alone may prove to be insufficient. Moreover, in some cases, it may be necessary to resort to professional preventative procedures such as:
- Scaling, that is the removal of dental calculus. This procedure is performed with an ultrasound scaler, which, when vibrated, destroys calculus into pieces and removes it from the surface of the teeth.
- Sandblasting, which removes deposits and discolourations. It is performed using a dental sandblaster, which sprays a special powder under pressure with an appropriate amount of water into the mouth. Thus the powder easily reaches even the most inaccessible areas and spaces. Sandblasting is a completely painless and safe procedure. However, there's a risk that particularly sensitive patients can experience slight discomfort caused by gum irritation.
- Polishing, which smooths the teeth surface and thus limits the accumulation of deposits. Teeth polishing has to be performed after scaling.
- Fluoride treatment, which is a specialised treatment that involves applying a special preparation that contains a large dose of fluoride. We apply this preparation in two ways: by foam or varnish. The method is selected individually to each patient. There is no question of any pain during a fluoride treatment. The whole procedure usually takes barely a few minutes. It is important to know that fluoride treatment is recommended not only for children but also for adults to protect teeth against enamel demineralisation.
- Sealing, which involves filling fissures and pits in teeth with special resins.