Healthy Pregnancy Period, Healthy Smile – Dental care for pregnant women at Warsaw Dental Academy

Dental care during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a particularly important time for the health of both the mother and the developing child. By taking care of oral health during this period, a woman not only protects her teeth, but also has a positive impact on the course of pregnancy and the health of her child. At Warsaw Dental Academy, we want to provide the best dental care for pregnant women, so today we present what changes occur in the bodies of pregnant women, what treatments can be performed in particular trimesters of pregnancy, what complications may occur related to unhealed inflammation and caries, and how healthy teeth affect the entire pregnancy and the health of the developing child.

Changes in the future mother`s body

Regular dental care for a pregnant woman is necessary because the risk of oral diseases appearance increases during pregnancy – the development of caries, enamel erosion and pathological changes in the oral mucosa and periodontium. This is caused by a number of changes that occur in the bodies of future mothers. Observed, among others:

  • An increase in the number of caries causing bacteria – an increase in their number increases the risk of caries disease and the rate of its progression.
  • Reduction in the amount of secreted saliva – mainly in the first and second trimester. Saliva is an important protective factor for oral tissues, including teeth. Its reduced secretion increases the risk of developing inflammation of the mucous membrane and caries.
  • Reduction in the buffering capacity, pH of saliva and concentration of minerals – in such conditions, the enamel is more exposed to the loss of minerals, causing its demineralization, along with a reduced chance of remineralization (spontaneous repair of the enamel in the initial caries processes)
  • Changing your diet – increased frequency of eating foods containing carbohydrates increases the amount of substrate for bacteria that cause caries.

Dental care during pregnancy

Primary prevention

Primary prevention is a type of dental prophylaxis that focuses on the care of a pregnant woman throughout the entire pregnancy, including after the birth of the child, and health education of both parents. Its main goal is to delay the colonization of the oral cavity with cariogenic bacteria in the child, thereby reducing the risk of ECC – Early Childhood Caries. This is the name for dental caries that appears before the age of 6, which means children 71 months of age or younger. The diagnosis of the disease is the result of a dental examination, which confirms the presence of at least one carious lesion with or without the formation of a cavity, and when the child had a tooth filled or removed due to caries. Effective prevention begins already during pregnancy – and preferably in the period preceding it – and is an important stage in preventing the development of caries.


Dental care during pregnancy – first trimester – pain and hygienization

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period of greatest risk for the child’s development, so we recommend limiting the performance of complex dental procedures. During this time, you can safely perform routine checkups, emergency X-rays, and preventive treatments such as tartar removal and teeth cleaning. A particularly important point during this period is to arrange a hygiene visit at the Warsaw Dental Academy, during which dental deposits and tartar will be removed, which are an important factor causing the development of caries and periodontal inflammation.

However, please remember that if you experience pain in the area of your mouth, you should make an appointment at the dentist’s office as soon as possible. Long-term pain and the inflammation that causes it have a negative impact on the developing fetus, and the number of medications a pregnant patient can take is significantly limited, especially in the first trimester, which is crucial for the development of the child’s organs. This should not be postponed, as untreated inflammation of dental origin progresses and may pose a serious threat to the mother’s health and the course of pregnancy.

Dental care during pregnancy

However, if the treatment plan includes an advanced dental procedure that does not require immediate treatment, it is best to postpone it until the second trimester. This is due to the fact that important fetal structures develop in the first trimester, and exposure to stress associated with more complicated procedures may be unfavorable for the course of pregnancy. The doctor always decides about the urgency of performing a given procedure. The knowledge and experience of specialists constituting the Warsaw Dental Academy team means that they know perfectly well which cases and related treatments cannot be postponed and will offer dental care tailored to the needs of our patients.

Second trimester of pregnancy – safe dental treatment

The second trimester of pregnancy is the safest time to perform complex dental procedures. During this period, fetal development is more stable and the woman usually feels comfortable. Therefore, during this time, caries treatment, root canal treatment, and minor surgical procedures can be performed – all types of procedures that were postponed due to the detection of their therapeutic needs in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as those that were urgent and diagnosed in the second trimester. However, we must not forget to use appropriate anesthesia and painkillers to ensure maximum comfort during the procedure and minimize exposure to stress. Treatments should also be as short as possible and spread over time so that the patient spends as little time as possible in the dental chair, providing her with appropriate comfort and peace of mind.

Third trimester of pregnancy – leading with caution

In the third trimester of pregnancy, when the due date is approaching, we recommend limiting the performance of complex and long-lasting dental procedures. During this time, only necessary and urgent treatments can be performed, such as the treatment of gingivitis or deep caries causing pain. Due to the possibility of the occurrence of inferior vena cava syndrome (a drop in pressure due to the pressure of the uterus on the veins, which occurs in the third trimester, when a pregnant woman stays in a lying position for too long), visits should be as short as possible or carried out in a semi-recumbent position. .

Any risky procedures that could affect the patient’s comfort while waiting for the baby and contribute to premature birth should be avoided.

Complications associated with unhealed inflammation and caries disease

Untreated gingivitis and oral caries may have a negative impact on the health of both mother and child. Research indicates a possible relationship between periodontal disease and premature birth and low birth weight of the child. Moreover, there is a risk of bacteria being transferred from the mother’s mouth to the child, which may cause infection in the newborn. These are just some of the many possible complications related to untreated inflammation and caries in the oral cavity. It should be remembered that any inflammation present in the oral cavity has a significant impact on the overall condition of the body and its immunity – which in turn significantly affects the development of the child in pregnant patients, at each of its stages.

Healthy teeth – healthy pregnancy and healthy child

A well-groomed and healthy mother’s oral cavity is a key element of a healthy pregnancy and child development. Regular visits to the dentist before and during pregnancy allow you to detect possible problems and, through treatment, prevent complications that may pose a serious threat to the developing fetus.

Appropriate oral hygiene, a healthy diet and avoiding stimulants are also factors that affect the healthy teeth of the mother and the health of the child.

Dental care during pregnancy

Dental care during pregnancy at Warsaw Dental Academy

During pregnancy, taking care of your oral health becomes particularly important. At Warsaw Dental Academy, we want to provide the best possible dental care for women at this very important time for them. A properly selected treatment plan, performing safe treatments in appropriate trimesters and regular visits to the dentist are the key to healthy teeth for the mother and the health of the child. Let us remember that a healthy pregnancy and a healthy smile go hand in hand, so we encourage you to visit the Warsaw Dental Academy and trust our specialists.