A few words about Warsaw Dental Academy
Warsaw Dental Academy is certainly more than a typical dental practice. What distinguishes us from other practices is our authentic passion. The place was founded by doctor Magdalena Żukowska and people close to her completely from scratch. It required a lot of energy and many sacrifices to create and implement the project that would suit both the patients and our team as much as possible. Upon entering the clinic, one can easily feel its unique atmosphere. Each, even the smallest detail of the equipment has been designed to serve its purpose in the best way possible. Dozens of people put their hearts and used their experience to create this space. The location itself is also intentional. Far from the skyscrapers and noise of the city centre, somewhere in the middle of a small single-family housing estate in Warsaw's Bemowo district. You will find peace here, and will not have to worry about the lack of parking space. There are much more benefits!
At our practice, we use specialised and state-of-the-art treatment methods. These are more than just big words. We are equipped with top-class medical equipment, due to which almost nothing is impossible to us. WDA is more than its interiors and equipment. First and foremost, it is its people and their experiences. Our team consists of well-trained specialists and true enthusiasts of dentistry. Such a combination allows us to achieve great treatment results as well as to build a long-lasting relationship with our patients. Every patient can taste it during the very first visit. Our secret lies in thorough dental check-ups and detailed treatment plans. Because of that, you will quickly know the date, the price and see a visualisation of your new smile!
We keep investing in our team's knowledge and technologies used at our practice. This field of medicine (dentistry) keeps evolving, and the strive for all innovations requires a lot of sacrifices and dedication. Many people and specialists lose their appetite for knowledge as they get older. Fortunately, this is not our case. Every year we pick up more pace and pursue our mission with the same passion.
Since the WDA's creation, its main mission has always been to come to help to other people. We try to help, not just by fighting for healthy smiles, but by fighting for smiles in general. We participate in charities and are never indifferent to human misfortune. We believe that by sharing goodness, we can count for it to return to us one day.

Why did you start your own dental practice?
Magdalena Żukowska (dentist, the clinic's founder): After 10 years of working at various dental practices, I decided that I was ready to open my own place. I know how the organisation of such a place should look like, how to manage a team to ensure cross-disciplinary and professional care as well as comfort during visits in my clinic. By opening it, I wanted to have an actual impact on holistic treatment. Apart from dental treatment, clients often need other types of medical attention, for example, from a laryngologist, physiotherapist, general surgeon, speech therapist etc. My role is to initially identify these and other complaints in patients and adequately direct their treatment.

Does anyone support you?
MŻ: Yes, it is my husband, Łukasz, who, as the facility's director, is probably the most involved person in its development. Apart from him, the rest of my family is my great support. It is due to them that we managed to finish the investment and equip the practice. WDA is certainly a family business in which many people are personally committed to its best functioning. Examples from all around the world show that it is family businesses that enjoy the greatest confidence and trust from clients, no matter the field in which they operate

What is the most important element of your work as the place's owner?
MŻ: The patient's health and satisfaction that stem from a high level of service are the most important for me. We treat every patient as an individual and customise the treatment plan to meet the patient's therapeutic and aesthetic needs. We want all clients to understand the purpose of treatment and procedures carried out. Being both a doctor and the owner of the practice, I try to remain close to every patient by devoting a proper amount of time to them and looking for solutions. Our patients feel it and appreciate it.

Who is a "good" dentist?
MŻ: Dentistry restores a smile, joy and also confidence. Patients feel internally better when they know that they have a healthy and beautiful smile. In many cases, when visiting the dentist, they also get rid of other complaints. There is nothing more precious to a doctor than seeing a patient starting to enjoy their own smile again. It is worth remembering that a good specialist does not require any advertisement. Knowledge, empathy, proper approach to a patient and hard work suffice.
Rules of the clinic

Every patient is different and requires an individual approach. Fear has large eyes, but the hearts of our dentists are even greater.

Up to date
We are up to date with the newest technological advances and treatment methods. We have set the bar really high!

A satisfied patient is a smiling patient. If there is anything that we could improve - let us know.
History of the clinic

2014 - a decision is made to begin the endeavour of creating a family-owned dental practice of our own. First projects and plans are created

September 2015 the construction of WDA begins.

December 2017 end of the construction of the building at Strąkowa 48 Street.

January-September 2018 fitting-out works.

End of 2018 installation of equipment and preparations to the opening

March 2019 the official opening of the WDA!

Today our team consists of 14 people, and it looks like there will be even more of us soon.

January 2020 Warsaw Dental Academy establishes partnership with Swiss Institut Straumann - a global leader in implant dentistry

July 2020 we start cooperation with Orphan Home ''Our Home", taking dental care on group of 15 children. Helping others is one of the main missions of Warsaw Dental Academy